Have you seen the spring flowers that have bloomed recently!? Their beauty comes forth and blooms in spite of. These bulbs start to come alive in the heart of winter and under the ground where we cannot see the work happening. The first shoots peep up in February here in central IN while the days are still bitter cold. But if that hidden work was not happening in the seemingly unlikeliest of places and times we would not have the beauty and joy that these flowers bring to us in March. In March we are so tired of winter and eager for spring – for the new life, the warmth, and the beauty. March brings us both our first lovely warm days and the continued cold wintery days. These early bulbs thrill our hearts and help us to hold on a little bit longer. The snowdrops, daffodils, hyacinths, and crocuses bloom forth with brilliant color even on days of cold rain or even snow. Keep pressing on in the good work! Know that whether you are in a season of being like a bulb just stirring to life in the unlikeliest of conditions, the first shoots bravely pushing up in spite of the cold, a little crocus holding on to your color and life despite the snow, or a cheerful daffodil bobbing in the warm spring sun and breeze – you are doing good work and with perseverance everything you are working towards will bloom!
And PS…The garden of your work includes perennials and fruit trees….whose root systems only have to be put in place once to give yearly sustainable results. The best is yet to come!